Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where the heck have I been?!?

Okay so it's been way too long since I've posted anything on here....a lot has happened...I had a birthday, my youngest son had his first birthday, I had my anniversary, My husbands birthday, and in a few weeks my oldest son will be 3!!! Yikes.....and those are just a few things......between having to find a new babysitter, buying a new truck, going on a Mission Trip, taking a trip to the zoo, almost buying a house......the list goes on and on......but the thing that is still on my mind....mainly because I have become the fact that I got hooked on the Twilight Saga books!!! Yeah, I know they are just book....but they are 4 of the best books I've ever read! I have actually read them 3 times already....I had to loan them out to get them out of the house so I wouldn't be compelled to read them again!! The crazy thing is that they never get old....I actually think I enjoy them more each time I read them!!'s okay if you laugh at me and think that I've lost my mind.....because I know I have and I often laugh at myself!! I would definitely recommend reading the books to anyone who hasn't. They keep you wanting more!! That's all for now.....but I'll try not to wait so long between posts!!

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