Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where the heck have I been?!?

Okay so it's been way too long since I've posted anything on here....a lot has happened...I had a birthday, my youngest son had his first birthday, I had my anniversary, My husbands birthday, and in a few weeks my oldest son will be 3!!! Yikes.....and those are just a few things......between having to find a new babysitter, buying a new truck, going on a Mission Trip, taking a trip to the zoo, almost buying a house......the list goes on and on......but the thing that is still on my mind....mainly because I have become the fact that I got hooked on the Twilight Saga books!!! Yeah, I know they are just book....but they are 4 of the best books I've ever read! I have actually read them 3 times already....I had to loan them out to get them out of the house so I wouldn't be compelled to read them again!! The crazy thing is that they never get old....I actually think I enjoy them more each time I read them!!'s okay if you laugh at me and think that I've lost my mind.....because I know I have and I often laugh at myself!! I would definitely recommend reading the books to anyone who hasn't. They keep you wanting more!! That's all for now.....but I'll try not to wait so long between posts!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Derby Day!!

Honestly, I have no idea what any of the horses names are this year....I had actually forgot all about the Derby!! I guess I've been distracted with a sick baby...I guess that's what happens when you have young children!! We'll probably just stay home and maybe watch the race if we can convince our 2 year old that watching the horses will be more exciting than Mickey Mouse or Handy Manny!! Hope you all have a wonderful Derby Day!

Monday, April 27, 2009

My boys!!!

I love 'em but they wear me out!! I just realize that I need to upload some new pictures of my boys...I'll have to try to remember to do that my youngest actually took about 4 steps without holding on to anything...then he clapped for himself...he is so oldest is going through the whole potty training battle....he will go when we are at home but not for the babysitter or if we are at church or somewhere....I know this just takes time but sometimes I think he's just trying to be stubborn!! Boys will be boys I guess!! Anyway, I love my boys!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guess Who?

It's ME....I know what you're thinking.....I'm thinking it too....where the heck have I been? I still don't even know what has kept me away.....but I do know I have been super busy!! I am getting excited about all of the Summer activities that will soon be getting started....not to mention the fact that I will be able to play with the boys outside!! My youngest will be 1 year old next month and he will be walking any day now!! My oldest is getting so smart....he remembers everything. He is 2 1/2. I can't believe how the time has flown by since I've been a mom!! I wouldn't change it for the world!! Well, I guess I better go....I've got laundry calling my name....and the boys need a bath! A mothers work is never done!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009's about time....

that I caught up my blog!! I have been way busy and husband has been out of town since Sunday night so all of my free time has been taken up with caring for my 2 boys! By the time they would go down for the night I was so drained that I thought it best to do the the fact that my husband took our lap top with him so I actually had to borrow my dad's....I am so excited because my husband will be home tomorrow...the boys will be so excited to see him and so will I!! Hopefully I'll be able to get back in the groove of keeping my blog updated!! Crap....I was so going to post some pictures of my boys....and then I realized....I have my dad's computer and all my pictures are on my computer!!! Oh well that's least I have a computer to use!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Totally Tuesday!!

Today may as well have been a 2nd Monday...Work was crazy...but look what I get to come home to! These guys always bring a smile to my face!! I love my boys!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Check it out!!

Okay...just as are the long awaited pictures of my new hair cut!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Where did it go!?!?

Wow this week has really flown by!! I can't believe I haven't blogged since Monday! Needless to say i have lots to catch up on!! I have new pictures to post of my beautiful boys and my new hair cut...I promise I'll get them uploaded tomorrow!! I am excited because tomorrow is scrap day at my sister's house!! We are trying to plan one every month! It seems like forever since I've been able to get all my stuff out and actually put some pages together...geez I am so far behind on my scapbooking...I'm still working on pictures of my oldest...I haven't even started with my youngest yet...heck I never even finished my wedding album!! Mainly because I needed to get some pictures copied and then life happened and it's been one thing after another ever since!! I love my life...I just wish I had time to scrap it!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Time Flies...

Wow...this weekend flew by...maybe it was the fact that I was taking care of a sick baby...or maybe the face that we lost and hour of sleep (daylight savings) or maybe it's a combination of both!! Whatever the reason I was just too busy and tired to get much done at all!! Oh well...if I got everything that needed to be done...done...then I wouldn't have anything left to do!! I did break the ol' camera out and get a few pictures of my I'll get those posted soon...but for now I just want to say how BEAUTIFUL the day was and praise GOD for the beauty of his creation!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Finally Friday!!

This week has seemed to last forever...and finally the long awaited weekend has arrived!!
Oh my word...I was going back through some of my pictures and thought I would compare these two...the scrapbooked page is of pictures right before I went to the hospital when I was in labor with my first born...and the second picture is a day or two before i went into labor with my second baby boy...Geez...look at that big baby's hard to believe that my belly actually got that never seemed to look that big while i was pregnant...but looking back...WOW!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tomorrow is a new day!

Today my husband took our 9 month old to the doctor today...he has an ear infection :( Poor little guy...this is his third this winter...I can't wait until the weather gets warm and stays that way...well...hopefully tomorrow he will feel better...he is on an anti-biotic and has to take nebulizer treatments every 6 hours...but he does pretty good with it!

**New Topic**

Okay...we started our new women's bible study at church last night and I am really excited about it and I've only finished day one...I can't help it...I get excited about Jesus!! Hope you all have a blessed day!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Please Lord, keep my heart from breaking!

We have started the grueling "self-soothing" stage with our 9 month old...we decided that it was time for him to consistently go to sleep on his own...instead of being rocked!! Poor little guy just keeps crying and crying and did I mention that he's crying!! I love my boys and it's killing me to sit here and listen to him cry! You would think that it wouldn't be THIS hard on me...I've already been through this once...but it is breaking my heart!! I know that I have to be strong though...otherwise he'll be 30 and I'll still be rocking him to sleep!! Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we won't loose our sanity and that this phase will be short lived!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ahhh...the silence!!

Well the boys are down for he night and the silence sounds so good!! I think I'll go curl up in my cozy blanket on the couch and watch some TV while I wait for my hubby to get home from the b-ball game!! I am glad the season is almost over! He does the radio commentary for one of the high schools in town so he has had to go to ALL the games...well...atleast the ones with radio coverage!! Well, I better take advantage of this time and go watch what I want on TV while I can!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Work...a necessary evil!!

If only I could find a job that consisted of someone paying me to stay home with my boys!! With out having to add other's children to the mix!! Ahh...the longings of a mother!! I think it's only natural for a mother to want to be a stay at home kind of hurts my feelings because I have to pay someone to spend more time with my kids than I get to! I am thir mother...I should be the one taking care of them, teaching them, watching them learn and grow! It's just not fair!! The harsh reality is that we have to have 2 full time incomes in order for us to provide for our 2 boys!! Well, I guess I'll step down off my soap box for now...but if you know how I feel and/or agree/disagree with me on this let me know!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What a day!!

Today I took my 9 month old to get pictures!! We really got some good ones...but man am I tired! I'll post some pictures soon!! Oh...big news...I have decided to cut my hair!! I finally found a cut I think I can live with! Here it is....let me know what you think!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it!!

Let me just start out by saying that God is AWESOME!! He is really working in my life and in my church!! We are getting ready to start a new women's bible study called Discerning the Voice of God. Click this link to check it out.
Also, since I watched Fireproof I have felt like God was telling me I needed to do something with I checked into it and have found The Love Dare bible husband and I are going to go through the study first and then we are going to lead it at church!! I am so excited about it!! Click this link to check it out.
I am also excited about getting a chance to play softball this summer...our church used to have a coed team but then all the ladies started having babies and so...for the past 3 years we've only had a guys team...this year we are hoping to have enough people to possibly have both a guys team and a coed team!! I better start working out so I can get in shape!! It's been 3 years since I've played ball...and several months since I've worked out!! Let's just say I have my work cut out for me!! I mean...let's face it...I've had 2 babies within these past 3 years...I am definitely out of shape!! I am out of breath just thinking about running the bases!! At least I have a couple of months before ball season gets here!!! Maybe there is hope for me yet!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Have I lost it?!?

I have been looking for my camera since Sunday and I can't find it's not in the's not in the's not in my purse or the boys diaper bag...I am starting to get worried about it!! The last place I had it was my sister's house for her daughter's birthday party! I thought I had it when I left...but maybe I laid it down while I was getting the boys and their stuff together! I'll have to ask her to check around for me...but I am lost without it...I really wanted to post some of the pictures I had taken this week end...but I guess they will have to wait!

Oh my word...I was looking through the pictures on my computer and I cam across this one of my husband and I at bible school a couple of years ago!! This brings back fun memories...just thought I would the banner behind us has a great encouraging word!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

It must be he moon!!

This week end has been...well...anything but a nice relaxing time with the family!! I have just about pulled my hair completely out!! My stress level has been off the charts!! My boys have both been really fussy and grumpy!! I don't think they've been sleeping very good...actually I know they haven't!! I am hoping that they will do better since they have been back to their daily schedule today...week ends are hard on the little guys...especially when they are used to a certain routine!! Somehow through all of this I think God is trying to teach me patience...It is often a hard lesson to learn and I'm not sure I am doing a good job of it!!! I do know that "this too shalll pass"!!It's times like these that reminds me of one of my favorite praise and worship I will leave you with the encouraging words!!

God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see...He will make a way for me. He will be my guide and draw me closely to His side. With love and strenght for each new day He will make a way. God will make a way!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Tonight we watched the movie "Fireproof"...I really enjoyed has me wanting to do the love dare...maybe I will!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

What the heck!!

Why are 2 year olds so defiant?!? Mine will listen fairly well to "daddy" but for some reason thinks he has to see how far he can push things with me!! Oh matter what he does he is still one of my babies!! My 9 month old is learning so fast!! He wants to follow his bubby around and do what he does!! They are so cute together!! I couldn't ask for better gifts than the 2 of them!!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's cookie time!!

It is finally here...the moment we've all been waiting for...the time when the girl scout cookies arrive!! I love girl scout cookies...I bought 4 boxes this year in hopes that they might last for a little while!! Nothin' says lovin' like a big ol' glass of milk and a box of your favorite girl scout cookies!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Me and my hubby

This week is already half over...can you believe it?!? Just thought I'd post a picture of my husband and me!! Have a great rest of the week!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is laundry ever done?!?!

It's the classic question that women have been asking since the beginning of time...or at least since people washed their clothes!! I have been doing laundry ever since I got home from work and I'm still not done...and who's idea was it to make the dryer take twice as long as the washer...seriously...I'm thinking about getting another dryer to keep up with the clothes I am washing!! Oh well...if I ever got all of the laundry finished what would I do with my time....oh yeah...I know...scrapbook!!!! Speaking of is a page out of my album!!

This is a page from my senior trip in high school...we went to New York and I was fortunate enough to be able to see the twin towers in person before the 9/11 tragedy.

I just wanted to keep the page layout clean cut so the main focus would be the twin towers...I would love to go back to New York to see the new skyline. I think it would be awesome to be able to show my boys the comparison one day! Just think...these pictures are a window into our history...our children will never be able to see these things if WE don't preserve the memories!!

Happy Scrapping!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday...all day long!!

Today has been....well....definetly a was busy and the computers didn't want to cooperate but there have definetly been worse days!! I am getting excited about getting a chance to catch up on my scrapbooking. I haven't really had much time for it since my youngest was born...(9 months ago)...I have so many ideas in my head and so many new pictures to scrap!! Soon I will begin posting pictures of some of the pages I've done. Until then I will leave you with a few pictures of my precious boys!! No matter how bad my day might be, just knowing that I get to come home to these smiling faces makes it all worth it!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Finally...some pictures

I love my boys!


I can't believe how big my boys are getting! Time flies by way too fast!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's day...and I was surprised when I got home from work with a gift...I wan't expecting anything...and now my husband is gone to pick up the rest of my gift...he says it's from the boys!! Hopefully he's not expecting anything big...the boys and I got him cards and some of his favorite candy!! Life is full of unexpected yet exciting surprises!! I am planning on uploading some pictures later.....more to come!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Getting started!

I am new to the whole blog thing but I am going to try to keep it up!! I will do a little more when I get a little more time!! Right now it's time for bed!!