Thursday, May 5, 2011

29 and holding!!

Well....yesterday was my birthday!! It was a rather uneventful day actually...I stayed home with my 2...nearly 3 year old...and sorted clothes for the boys (out with Winter gear and in with Spring/Summer attire)...let me tell you....that was a job! Other than that the only things I did was to pick my 4 year old up from school and then go to church last night!! Like I said...uneventful! to catch up on everything since my last post!! I'll start with books!! I have read several so hold on tight...this could be a wild ride!! I finished the Life As We Knew It series...with The Dead and the Gone and This World We Live In! This series is over all kinda depressing! It so makes you think....what would you do...and in lieu of all the natural disasters occurring as of late it seems almost too real...I thought it was an interesting contrast between the first 2 books of the characters...where one has no religious beliefs at all and the other's survival is based mainly on their belief in God...and hoping against hope that there is a way to survive and that there is something better! After the seriousness of that series I decided I needed a good vampire love I read the Vampire Academy series...(all but Last Sacrifice...I haven't been able to get my hands on that one yet)...and I absolutely LOVED it!! I am seriously contemplating buying the whole series....just in case I want to go back and read them again!! After that I read Darkest was an amazing...and a little bit crazy...end to the Wicked Lovely always there is always unexpected death and crazy twists that you don't see until they hit you full on in the face...(but honestly is anything unexpected)...sometimes things happen and you're like...did THAT JUST HAPPEN?!? But it all comes together to make a strong end to a roller coaster story ride!! My next selection was Matched...I had heard mixed reviews on this one...but I really enjoyed it...I love the way they fight the system...and how in every experiment (life) there is always unexpected variables mixed in with the control group!! I can't wait to see how things all play out in the next book!! Then there was I Am Number Four....such a good book...really....I wasn't sure about this one either...but in the end I was pleasantly surprised! This is going to be an interesting and intriguing series to read...can't wait for the next book!! Next read....If I was a different kind of read for was about the power of love and the effect it has in our lives!! This is another one that has me wanting to read the next installment!! for one of my all time favs....well....of the moment....Insatiable!! I really just saw this at the library and thought....hmm....I think I'll read this....and I am SO glad that I did!!! There was vampires, and vampire and hate....and romance...unexpected alliances...and it was just very entertaining....I eagerly await the next book in the series!! And finally....the last 2 books I've read are both by the same fantastic author....Cassandra Clare!! Clockwork Angel....and City of Fallen Angels! I absolutely LOVED Clockwork Angel....I loved both Jem and Will...and of course was good to see an appearance form Magnus too!! And then City of Fallen Angels was just what I was expecting....but not really!! I knew there was going to be something to try to rip Jace and Clary apart....but as to what...I was totally like....WHAT?!?! was like that!! And of course it ends with a cliff-hanger....but I was a little prepared for it since my sister had forewarned me of being's gonna end like that...and I've gotta wait til next year to see what happens next?!? And so.....that gets you up to date on my reading excursions!! Now on to more important how my REAL life is going!! lol....I am still into the job hunt....I am pursuing a few promising leads as of now and hopefully will hear back soon on at least one of them!! As far as my study time that I had set forth to's been a slow going process...but I'm making progress!! Something that has been a huge help getting me back on track was joining in a ladies Bible study class on Mondays at church!! It gives me a set thing to study and I have been doing pretty good at getting my study done. I am really enjoying the study not just for content but also for the principle of getting real with God and seeking him out and listening to what He is telling me through not only the scriptures involved but the life experiences that are being brought to light!! The study we are doing is Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer! This is not the first one of her studies that I've done. I really enjoy the way she just puts things out sugar playing it up...she's just real and plainly just speaks the word of God!! After this study is complete I may go back and redo one of the studies I've previously done...I like to do that from time to time to see how God has moved!! To see how my life situations have changed....or in some cases...stayed the same!! It's always amazing to see my God at work....especially when I get involved!! Okay....that's all I have for now....until next time my friends......until next time!!

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